Hello everyone,
This is Giovanna and Marcelo from Brasil!! Waking up so early for a 7-hour trip was tough, but at the
end was totally worth it!
can be. The Brazilians made enough noise on the bus to annoy every single person we could. However
everyone had fun, watched movies, listened to our awesome “DJs”, got to know people better, got
some sleep (all of us needed it!), etc.
On our way to Nevada we stopped by MC Donald’s and after all the confusion with the 52 orders, we
finally got to our hotel. It was kind of surprising getting off the bus with a 41 degrees C, but the hotel
had a cool and big swimming pool that a couple of us enjoyed before getting ready to go to….bam bam
bam…the fabulous Las Vegas!!
not even our tiredness prevented us from having a great time. Once we got there, we were amazed by
all the buildings, casinos, hotels, stores, everything you can think of.
We ate at Hard Rock Café at the Las Vegas Boulevard; Marcelo noticed how everyone was in such a
really good mood, because we were in a beautiful place, with good people, music and food. ALL AT THE
SAME TIME!! Obviously, we took hundreds of pictures and had so much fun exploring the place.
Because we are such a great, responsible and obedient group, our ABSOLUTELY AWESOME driver
Antonio surprised us by taking the group to the Bellagio’s water show (btw, do you know he is also an
engineer? Wooow! Haaha!). It was amazing, the water would follow the songs, we saw the Eifel Tower,
the lights were on…it was undescribable!
Then another SURPRISE!! We visited the old downtown Vegas, really pretty and still lively! Everyone got
excited with the ceiling covered with the biggest digital screen ever. Had so much fun! On the way back
we had more Brazilian songs being horribly sang: ”Prim Prim Prim alguem ligo pra mim…”
Chilled on the pool doing water fights and taking pictures underwater! Had a blast as always!
Seems like each day gets better, maybe for the fact that we are getting to know people better. WE LOVE
ALL OF YOU GUYS! This trip should never end!

Kisses and hugs from Brazil!!
Marmar e Gigi <3
Estamos muito contentes com a integração de vocês, a melhor coisa do mundo são os amigos. Que bom que vocês estão aproveitando e gostando da viagem.
We are very pleased with the integration of you, the best thing in the world are friends. Glad you are using and enjoying the journey.
Enjoy it.